Hi! So here is an update on the feedback I have been getting so far through talking to people who have collaborated in the past and from people posting their experiences up on this blog.
So far people’s experiences seem to be pretty positive and found the whole collaborative theme a very valuable experience in which they learnt how to work as a team and learnt to listen to others taking on board what they were saying.
Taking part in collaborations meant that there were deadlines to work towards which forced people to make sure they stuck to them knowing that if they didn’t they would be letting the team down and ultimately putting everyone behind schedule. I suppose you could say that there was that fear factor of not getting things done that you said you would do.
It seems that it is very important in collaboration that you are confident, assertive and most importantly are willing to compromise your ideas to fit another’s. Some people I spoke to realized that they didn’t do this and therefore felt like they were just doing what they were told to do instead of speaking out and contributing what they were really thinking.
In some rare circumstances people are given free reign to do as they wish and sometimes that works out perfectly, but like I said that is a rare occurrence.
What everyone seems to have said when I have spoken to them is that they have found their experiences highly rewarding as they got to see their designs on a final product.
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